I am going to use Cygwin GCC as toolchains. In this post, I am going to demonstrate how to use Eclipse to create and debug C/C++ programs for Unix/Linux in Windows. Experienced Eclipse users know the drill. From the Eclipse File menu, select “New” and then C Project. After proper setup, Eclipse will be able to build, upload and attach debugger to your C/C program that runs on target LinkIt Smart 7688 development board.Īgain, for simplicity, lets stay with C/C. This article describes how to setup Eclipse IDE for C/C Developers and OpenWrt SDK to build and debug programs running on LinkIt Smart 7688 development board. Enlisted below are the features of Eclipse IDE: Almost everything in Eclipse. Main features are the powerful editor with code completion, project management and the large number of plugins. The Eclipse IDE for Java developers is a well-known, freely available toolkit for software development. The Eclipse C/C Development Toolkit (CDT) combines the look and feel of Eclipse with the power of the GNU compiler. There are many options including NetBeans, Qt Creator, CodeBocks, CLion. Eclipse C Since you already have the compiler toolchain installed and available, you can compile C/C project and get coding, but you will likely want to set up an IDE to make things easier.